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I was at a Chamber of Commerce get together the other night.
Now I get excellent results when I go to these events for a very specific reason?
I shut up and I listen more than I speak! Earth shattering I know, but you know me I don?t do complicated!
Anyhow I am talking to this guy that owns an?Australia?post?business, he says to me what do you do. So I tell him I use Facebook, You Tube, WordPress and smart phone apps etc to generate leads and sales. He asks me to tell him how I would go about promoting his business vis Social Media? So I tell him?exactly what I would do.
I would look at your website?because?most are completely?ineffective?and not mobile formatted, I would use Facebook, email marketing?etc. He says to me that sound a lot like what a local butcher that I?know?does. He is called the?Super Butcher.
He then goes on to tell me how he runs his email campaign by educating his market telling stories and making offers.
Mmm interesting says the Elephant to the?Hippopotamus?I think to myself, I need to see?what?this guy is doing. So I google him and head to his site.
Straight away a pop up comes up, subscribe to my?newsletter?I will contact you three times a week with all the best deals. Very clever! I notice he is on Facebook, so I have to check this out of course. I mean I don?t think I could think of a more boring business to put on Facebook.
How the hell is he going to spin this I am thinking. So I get there I am expecting to see 100 or so Likers at best.
Think again Beanie!
Check out his likers below?.
Yes you did read it right?
I actually went back for a look tonight just 24 hours later and he now has?. ?16706 Likers! Now I?know?exactly?what?you?are thinking and you are right. You are thinking?
Beanie you always tell us that Quality beats Quantity of likers!?And you are 100% right. These are Quality Likers just in a huge Quantity, let me explain how I know.
Number one I checked out his email?marketing?first. This guys?deliveries?value in all his emails! Anyone that is getting?their?email marketing that right, could not possible be getting Facebook Marketing completely wrong!
There?are basic marketing principles that work on all marketing?mediums, and he has these principles absolutely nailed.
Second thing I can tell if you know how to use your?Facebook?Business Page effectively to make sales, in about one minute. How can I do that ? By reading your feed,. It never lies.
The Super?Butcher?s?page?is hopping with activity, and again he is delivering posts of great value.
So this is what I want you to do?
Head over and Like his Facebook Page and start looking at what he is doing, then I want you to come back and post the number one thing that you learnt form his page that you can start using immediately to improve your Facebook Business Page. By sharing what you found we can all benefit and come up with an amazing list of ideas that we can all use to grow our businesses via Facebook.
Looking forward to reading your learnings from the Super Butcher.
Cheers Beanie, The Social Tradie
The video below explains why ?you need to get involved with your local Chamber of Commerce as well!
demi moore hospitalized james farentino somali pirates navy seals navy seal team 6 tim gunn tim gunn
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