I don?t know how I let this happen to me each and every year but I?m finding it hard to believe that in a few short days the holiday season will official be here.? It seems like just last week it was sunny and warm (my recent vacation?isn?t?helping me with this) and yet evidence is all around.? The leaves turning beautiful hues of orange and red and falling to the ground and coupled with the copious amounts of wind and rain would indicate otherwise.? ?Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because we are reminded to focus on the things that we are thankful for, well that and turkey, but mostly being thankful.
This year, as every year, we at Real Pro Systems have a lot to be thankful for.? As a company we continue to be very fortunate in so many ways.? This next year will mark our tenth year in business and we continue to see growth through new talent and product enhancements.? I say with all sincerity that we are truly grateful for each and every person we have the privilege of working for.? We know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that we wouldn?t be where we are today without the support and loyalty of our amazing clients.
We truly enjoy sharing with you what we are thankful for and this year is no exception, here are a few thoughts from members of the Real Pro Systems team on what we are thankful for this Thanksgiving season:
Joe Lininger, Real Pro Systems Co-founder:? I am thankful for the many people in my life who share the journey in good times and bad.? It?s not about what we have; it?s about who we are and who we are becoming.? I?m thankful to God for bringing new opportunities into our lives each day, and for unending love to share with those around us.
Caine O?Brien, General Manager: ?I?m thankful for family and friends, good health, and the abundance we enjoy in this country.? I?m grateful for our system of government; even though we ague and fight, we truly have freedom of expression, even if it is a little messy.? I feel blessed to be part of Real Pro Systems, with wonderful employees, loyal clients, and more than enough to keep each day interesting!
There is no blessing greater than family, and this year I rejoiced in the birth of my first grandson to my daughter Meghan, and the wedding of my son, Jamin, to a wonderful woman.? We also enjoyed the first garden harvest from our country home after three years of renovation.
Jason Parks, Software Developer:? I am thankful for the opportunity to be with my friends and family and to live in the beautiful Willamette valley again.
Terri Renella, Director of Sales:? This year I am especially grateful for the wonderful sales team I have the pleasure of coaching, mentoring and managing on a daily basis.? ?Much of this year has been challenging for us yet each team members comes to work with a positive, upbeat and unstoppable attitude while maintaining a fantastic sense of humor.? Thanks team for your dedication to succeed no matter what and for brightening up my day and the lives of those you touch.
Valerie Warner, Finance Manager: I spent 2011 commuting to Portland for work each week.? I am most grateful that I was able to return to Eugene in 2012. ?The simple pleasure of waking up each day in my own bed, in my own house, with my husband and dogs around me, makes me feel peaceful and safe. ??I feel grateful to Caine and Joe for inviting me to be a part of Real Pro Systems.? My work here is challenging and fulfilling and I look forward to each new day.? All of my family members are healthy, happy and employed and while not close in a ?GPS? sense, I feel very connected to them all and am very grateful for their Skyped presence in my life.? ??Finally, I am thankful to my fellow Americans for their wise votes in 2012.? I have a renewed sense of optimism for planet earth, for the 99%, for the dreamers and for all of our futures.
Miranda Wilcox, Client Care Administrator:? I am thankful for the challenges in my life and the people in my life that have helped me through these challenges.? The challenges have helped me grow and become who I am.
Jamin O?Brien, Senior Sales Consultant:? I am very thankful for my wonderful wife, friends and family this year. I am also very thankful that my wife and I are both employed! Times are still tough out there and we are very happy to have what we have.
Becky Pfannmuller, Client Care:? This last year has been a very trying yet monumental one for me. I moved for the first time in my life, from California to Oregon because of the bad economy and lack of work. Once I made it up here, I was truly blessed to have been accepted here at Real Pro Systems. I moved up here with no family and the only people I knew were my roommates. Working here, with the wonderful and open crew, I have made friends in the process and absolutely enjoy coming to work every day. I miss my family dearly, however, I am very thankful to still have family to go visit when the chance arises. There are so many things to be thankful for this season and always- Family, friends, work, a home and my dog Bubba.
Don Durham, Client Care:? I am thankful for my children, a loving wife and to have a good job in these tough times.
Rob Wilkins, Client Care:? I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to have both of my parents, and all of my children and grandchildren and the love of my life, alive, healthy, and together for the holiday. I?m also thankful?that I live in a uniquely charming city in the greatest country in the world. ?I?m also thankful to work with such a fine bunch of people at Real Pro Systems!? Last minute shout outs: ?Running water ? indoor heat ? the internet ? $5 Pizzas ? gas under $5 ? DVR ? HDTV ? A rebounding Real Estate Market ? Weekends?
Ann Burrows, Sales Consultant: ?I am so thankful for my family, friends, my health and my faith.? I am thankful for living in the greatest country in the world and for all the?men and woman that fight for our freedom. And, I am extremely thankful to work for a great company with so many wonderful and talented people!
Amy Stoehr, Founder & Director of Real Estate Masters Guild:? As I reflect on 2012, there are so many things I?m thankful for. Those who know me say I?m not capable of keeping the list short. So, in the spirit of less is more, here are just a few:
- Unconditional love and support from my husband, Jeff
- An outstanding educational experience for my kids
- Growing consumer confidence and recovering real estate markets
- Continued health and strength as I grow more fit each day
- And, of course, chocolate.
I?m very grateful to all the wonderful coaching clients who have accepted challenge and partnership with me this year. Here is to an even better 2013!
Dan VanOrdstrand, Video Production: ?I am thankful for my new wife, our home, the delicious chocolate chip cookies that she makes at random times, and a great place to work here at Real Pro Systems!
Tara Sybrant, Marketing Manager:? Today I am thankful for all of the people who touch my life and never even realize what they?ve done for me.? I am grateful beyond measure for the friends and family who love me unconditionally. I am blessed to be living the life I have designed for myself with the luxury to make changes as I see fit.? My world wouldn?t be complete without the gift I have in my dogs, for they remind me to be happy every single day, no matter what.
What are YOU thankful for?
Source: http://blog.realprosystems.com/2012/11/wishing-everyone-a-happy-thanksgiving/
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