12 hrs.

How much is a name worth?
If you're this guy, Jason, it's exactly $45,500.
How does he know?
He sold it for auction (www.buymylastname.com). His last name used to be Sadler but for the next year, it will be HeadsetsDotCom.
It's got a nice beat, you can dance to it, don't you think?
Sadler ? Sorry, HeadsetsDotCom ? is the guy who started a business mid-recession as a professional T-Shirt wearer, where companies pay him to wear a T-shirt with their logo on it, then talk about it on Facebook, Twitter and in YouTube videos. Within just a few years, he's turned his one-man band into mini T-shirt-wearing empire,watching his revenue double in each of the first few years.
After his mom got divorced earlier this year and decided to change her name, he thought maybe he should change his own name and ? ding! ?the light bulb went off and he thought ? why not just auction it off?
It was a bidding frenzy among 25 bidders over the past month or so, including an 11th hour back-and-forth between HeadsetsDotCom and PawnUpDotCom. To the last minute, he had no idea what his last name would be.
"It was definitely exciting and had me on the edge of my seat watching it unfold!" HeadsetsDotCom said.
The capitalists and entrepreneurs among us would high five Sadler, but, um, what does his mom think? His girlfriend?
His mom stayed up late texting him about how nerve-racking the whole thing was.
"My girlfriend thinks I always need to wear headsets now!"HeadsetsDotCom said.
So, how is he going to explain his name at the DMV when he goes to get a license for Jason HeadsetsDotCom (he will) or at the security check at the airport?
"I think the best way to explain it is just going to say it's a Russian name or something!" HeadsetsDotCom said. "Hah, no, I'm proud to have a brand's name as my last name for 2013, and if the timing allows it (not standing in line to board a plane), I'll be happy to tell the story of selling my last name."
Of course, you know he's going to get a thousand "Can you hear me now?" and other jokes from self-amused punsters. What's his comeback?
"I've always been passionate about hands-free phone conversations!" HeadsetsDotCom quipped.
So now, in the harsh light of day, does he ? like a Vegas wedding or face tattoo ? have any regrets?
"No regrets at all. This was a crazy adventure and I look forward to rocking this last name for the next year!" HeadsetsDotCom said.
And for the record, he's not amused with the face-tattoo analogy. It's a year, not a needle to the forehead!
So Jason Sadler, you just changed your name to HeadsetsDotCom, what are you going to do now?
"I'm going to Vegas! Well, not really, but I'll be celebrating at my favorite restaurant in Jacksonville (TacoLu) with my family,"he said.
OK, we got ask ? what will this guy sell next?
" It was my shirt, now my name, I think I'm good on selling things for the time being!" HeadsetsDotCom said.
Boom Ts ? Boom Ts ?Boom Ts ?.cha-ching!
Hey, what's that sound?
Oh, that's just Jason HeadsetsDotCom!
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Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/business/your-table-ready-mr-headsetsdotcom-1C7601571
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