Thursday, March 21, 2013

How To Do This With GDI ? - VB.NET | Dream.In.Code

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??? Cancel Source Edit
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    ??? Cancel Source Edit
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Only this piece of the entry will be displayed on the main blog page and will show up in the RSS feed.","tag":"extract","useoption":"0","example":"[extract]This is an example![/extract]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"blog":{"id":"34","title":"Blog Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog.","tag":"blog","useoption":"1","example":"[blog=100]Click me![/blog]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"entry":{"id":"35","title":"Blog Entry Link","desc":"This tag provides an easy way to link to a blog entry.","tag":"entry","useoption":"1","example":"[entry=100]Click me![/entry]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"twitter":{"id":"36","title":"Twitter","desc":"A tag to link to a user's twitter account","tag":"twitter","useoption":"0","example":"[twitter]userName[/twitter]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":"twitter.png"},"inline":{"id":"37","title":"Inline Code","desc":"Formats code inline instead of in a seperate code box. ","tag":"inline","useoption":"0","example":"[inline]style=\"font-size: 12px;\"[/inline]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":""},"il":{"id":"38","title":"Abbreviated Inline (IL)","desc":"Abbreviated version of the [inline] tag. ","tag":"il","useoption":"0","example":"[il]Code Here[/il]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"0","image":"il2.png"},"code":{"id":"41","title":"Code","desc":"Allows you to enter general code","tag":"code","useoption":"1","example":"[code]$text = 'Some long code here';[/code]","switch_option":"0","menu_option_text":"","menu_content_text":"","single_tag":"0","optional_option":"1","image":""}}) ); ipb.vars['emoticon_url'] = ""; //Search Setup ipb.vars['search_type'] = 'forum'; ipb.vars['search_type_id'] = 67; ipb.vars['search_type_2'] = 'topic'; ipb.vars['search_type_id_2'] = 316087; //]]>

    5 Replies - 85 Views - Last Post: Today, 10:30 AM Rate Topic: -----

    #1 redmaster ?Icon User is offline

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    Posted Today, 08:45 AM

    i write a program which has a sliding menu on the left side, with initial position of (-180,131). it has a right arrow on the top right corner. When its clicked, the menu starts to slide out till (0,131), the arrow changes in left arrow, on click the menu slides back in. Every frame is drawn with a timer. The menu can successfully slide out, but on slide in, every drawn image is visible, after the timer stops. How can i make the menu slide in without this?

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    #2 _HAWK_ ?Icon User is online

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    Re: How to do this with GDI ?

    Posted Today, 08:50 AM

    Show some code. It is hard to know what your doing. Have you debugged your code?

    #3 redmaster ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: How to do this with GDI ?

    Posted Today, 09:33 AM

    Private Sub menuout_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles menuout.Tick
    Dim gmenu As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
    gmenu.DrawImage(m.My.Resources.menun, mx, 131, 210, 760)
    mx += 9
    If mx = 0 Then

    gmenu.DrawImage(m.My.Resources.menub, 0, 131, 210, 760)

    menuopen = True

    End If

    End Sub

    its the timer for slide out. mx at form load is set to -180. "m" is the .dll containing the resources, "menub" is drawn finally, this is the menu image with the left arrow, "menun" is the menu image with the right arrow.

    Private Sub menuin_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles menuin.Tick
    Dim gmenu As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics
    gmenu.DrawImage(m.My.Resources.menub, mx, 131, 210, 760)
    mx -= 9
    If mx = -180 Then
    gmenu.DrawImage(m.My.Resources.menun, -180, 131, 210, 760)
    menuopen = False
    End If

    End Sub

    Here is the second timer for slide in.
    The problem is that when it draws a "frame", the previous frames are also visible. That`s what i want to fix.

    #4 _HAWK_ ?Icon User is online

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    Re: How to do this with GDI ?

    Posted Today, 09:53 AM

    Some best practice for your design. Draw in the Paint event where you can use the e.Graphics object instead of CreateGraphics which your not disposing of - and you should. Your button for open and close should toggle a boolean, the tick event should eval that boolean - if closing minus a private variable for the left by 1, else add to the variable if it has not moved past it's upper or lower limit - then it calls the Invalidate method for the control your painting on. The paint event can also eval the boolean and if closing you don't paint the images, else you do. This will get rid of previous frames since they are drawn in the paint event and not during the tick event.

    #5 redmaster ?Icon User is offline

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    Re: How to do this with GDI ?

    Posted Today, 10:06 AM

    I dont really understand... Im from romania and my english isnt the best :D

    What will trigger the paint event?
    what should i put exactly there?

    I never understood the paint and onpaint methods. :D

    "which your not disposing of - and you should"

    I tried with disposing before, but with no luck.

    #6 _HAWK_ ?Icon User is online

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    Re: How to do this with GDI ?

    Posted Today, 10:30 AM

    I would use a Private variable class level for the location, then the tick event can change it and the paint event can access it as well. Your buttons will toggle the closing boolean.
Tick event:    'change the location of what your drawing if not beyond it's limit     if closing then       change variable you move left     else       change variable you move right     end if      form1.Invalidate() ' fires your Paint event  Paint event:   paint the objects with there new locations

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