Tuesday, September 20, 2011

LawAnswersOnline.com - I've recorded a quit claim deed with the ...

7 Answers

Asked by: 9 views Alabama, claim, deed, I've, legally, office, Probate, property, quit, recorded, transferred

Question by hoginla: I?ve recorded a quit claim deed with the probate office in Alabama. Is the property now legally transferred?
I want to make sure I don?t have to go through a real estate attorney or closing to make this deed binding.
Additionally, the property is being given to a family member and I am or was the legal owner before the quit claim. So, the relative is not financing anything and there?s legal proof that I was the owner.

Best answer:

Answer by Brad B
Contact your attorney.

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Source: http://www.lawanswersonline.com/ive-recorded-a-quit-claim-deed-with-the-probate-office-in-alabama-is-the-property-now-legally-transferred/

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