Sunday, October 9, 2011

6 Creative Marketing Strategies to Revive Your Real Estate ...

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6 Creative Marketing Strategies to Revive Your Real Estate Business

By Reuben Fine

Real estate marketing is about reaching your target audience in a unique and creative fashion.

Follow trends for your advertising campaign through 1300 Numbers Reporting for your business.

Marketing in real estate tends to be bland and boring. Here are a few ways you can spice up your business, distinguish yourself from the competition, and strengthen your core clientele.

1. Client & Cocktails

This is one of my most favorite marketing strategies.

What?s better than expressing your appreciation towards your clients for their business? Expressing your appreciation with your clients over cocktails and appetizers at your favorite local restaurant!

The concept goes like this: Pick out your favorite local restaurant. Reserve the executive dinning room or even the lounge area. Invite all your clients, their friends and family, and your prospects for a bit to eat and some drinks as a sign of appreciation for their present and future business.

Get creative and raffle prizes and have games or possibly give out gift certificates for restaurants, home appliances, or even movie tickets.

Introduce your clientele to each other and create conversation. Since the common association is YOU and homes, naturally the conversations start there.

The greatest part is that many of your clients are more than happy to give you all the praise in the world because you helped them into their dream home. Not only does that reinforce your image as ?their? real estate agent, but if any of your prospects come your probability of conversion just sky rocketed!

2. Jazzy Real Estate Flyers

One of the most simplest solutions towards distinguish yourself amongst your competition is to have high quality advertising.

It is a proven that buyers respond highly to colorful and attractive ads. If that is the case why are your listing flyer ads printed in black and white? Moreover, what is going on with the bland standard Microsoft templates you are using?

Do yourself a favor spend the extra 10 cents per copy for color! 10 cents per page goes a long way and is a drop in the bucket when it comes to your budgeted marketing expense for your listing. You do have a set marketing budget don?t you?

Add some color and take some time to create an attractive looking flyer ad for your property. You do not have to hire a graphic designer. Just download real estate flyer templates on the web and design them yourself!

Remember, flyers are the first impression you get one each property you list. Using black and white, boring, and low quality real estate flyers is an equally perceived valued on your listing and you as a real estate agent. Real estate flyers do help sell your properties. Be proud of them. And if your flyer box goes empty fast? take that as a sure sign there is interest in your listing and their might be a neighbor thinking of a possible sale soon.

3. Open House Exhibit

Have fun with Open House! Try being a bit different and a bit creative.

Depending on your target market, try holding Open House ?EVENTS.? Possibly collaborate with a local artist for an Open House Art Show. Or have a themed Hors d?oeuvres and wine tasting one evening. You can possibly partner with a local restaurant to help promote their restaurant and your listing.

The goal here is to package the open house process differently than your real estate counterparts. This will create excitement with the neighbors that they will not forget.

4. The Neighborhood Garage Sale

This is a fun project to do around spring time.

Many homeowners have cluttered garages and typically hold garage sales independently. Try organizing a neighborhood garage sale. Promote the garage sale in the local papers, throughout your database, and tape signs throughout the city. Make sure to add:

?This Neighborhood Open House, Brought To You By [ YOUR NAME]?

Use and/or modify your signage and flags to point passer bys in the right direction.

This will help create a bond with your prospects and give you common conversation starter.

5. Community Roundtable

During times of debate, organizing a community discussion at the local community center, park, or home is very effective.

Take for example our current events due to the mortgage fallout. Quite possibly there are homeowners that concerned about the future of their properties and the options they have to safeguard their investments.

You can pool together your broker, a mortgage expert, banker, and a CPA or Financial expert to openly discuss what is going on with the housing market and how it effects the neighborhood. The neighborhoods can ask questions and spark discussion.

The beauty of this strategy is that you brought organized this discussion and have strengthened your brand and image within your neighborhood market.

6. Party On The Block

An excuse to party? Not quite. However, this is a fun way to meet new contacts and socialize with the neighborhood.

Best if held around summer and strategically placed around common events. A few ideal themes can include: 4th Of July, End Of School Year, Back To School, Memorial Day, Spring Fling, and Summer Solstice to give you an idea.

Help the community organize. Use your business-to-business connections to provide fool drinks or sponsorship. Donate resources for party favors or a giant inflatable bounce castle.

Get creative and reach out to your clientele. Going that extra step separates you from the competition.

Many of these ideas cost little to do, but yield exponential dividends to your business.

I hope these insights help to inspire you and recharge your real estate business.

Reuben Fine is the creator of TurnKey Real Estate Flyer Templates, an online resource that helps real estate agents with their marketing by providing downloadable flyer templates, easy-to-understand video tutorials, and useful sales & marketing articles.

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Tags: estate, local, marketing, real


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