Everyone seems to be on the paid surveys bandwagon these days. Now that it is common knowledge that paid surveys are the easiest way to make extra money online more people than ever are joining online research panels. And new survey panels are popping up every day. So which ones are the best?
Well, the truth is there is no single panel that is better than all of the others. Every survey is targeted to a specific demographic. So you never really know which panel is going to have a project that matches your profile on any given day. However, there are some companies that can make it easier for you to qualify than others. These companies offer ?daily surveys?
Daily surveys are becoming more and more popular because they give the user the opportunity to participate every day. Daily surveys are usually not as high paying as some other targeted surveys, but they are a lot easier to qualify for. This is because a research panel will put all of the projects they are currently working on in one router so that when the user visits the router they can simply enter a few demographic questions and the router will check to see if there are any projects that match the users demographics. If so the user will be directed to the survey and have a good chance of qualifying.
Since the router is so random all surveys taken through the daily router are priced the same. Most pay between $1 and $2. Although they do not pay as well as other individual surveys you have the opportunity to earn more with them than you might from other higher paying individual surveys. This is because most survey panels will only have a survey for you every so often. So reaching their payout minimum can take some time. With daily surveys you can attempt to participate every day. Many panels have multiple daily routers so that you can take several surveys each day. This makes it easy to reach payout and receive payments often.
While some people would prefer to only take higher paying surveys and only get the chance to participate here and there others enjoy the ease and consistency of taking paid surveys daily. The bottom line is it?s just a matter of opinion. The choice is yours. For the best experience with paid surveys it is best to join a panel that has a combination of individual surveys as well as daily surveys so that you can still participate when a targeted survey isn?t available.
Chris Price is the co-owner of?Palm Research, a San Diego, CA based market research company. Palm Research was founded in 2009 and is one of the most popular providers of?paid surveys?in the world.
Source: http://www.earningguideline.com/2012/07/18/earning-money-with-daily-surveys/
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