Saturday, July 7, 2012

Index ideas: Monsters Manual

This is an idea I've had kicking around for a while ever since a certain roleplay I was working on got abandoned. I've always had a lot of fun world building, and when it came to making things like nations or species I often got lost in the lore me and my fellow RPer's were making.

Now I'm not entirely sure if this should go in the creative realm or in forum games, but I thought it would make more sense to place this here. My idea for this thread is to make a collaborative index for monster races in a fantasy universe. This index would be something for fun where one can stretch their creative ideas, and a place where people can find ideas from existing archetypes. Anyone can add their ideas to this thread and there's no real "cannon" for any of the creatures involved, so you don't have too worry about making them connect with what someone else has written.

Below here is a basic outline on what you could place. You do not have to use this, it is only a basic tool for you too draw ideas from and you are free to make whatever changes or additions to the structure that you wish.

Code: Select all
[size=175]Species name[/size]
[b]Physical Description/Biology:[/b]
[b]Are they sentient?:[/b] Yes/no?
[b]Culture:[/b] If applicable
[b]Language :[/b] If applicable
[b]Religion:[/b] If applicable
[b]Level of technology:[/b]If applicable (Do they live in tents or actual settlements? What kind of tools do they use stone/bronze/iron etc)
[b]Social structure:[/b] (How do they act towards their own kind? What's their "pecking order" set up like?)
[b]Temperament:[/b] (Are they peaceful, are the violent? How would others view their race?)
[b]Magic:[/b] Yes/no (If yes then how does it work)
[b]Unique abilities:[/b] If applicable
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else? Like, did you get this idea from somewhere like from European or Asian mythology?)


cleveland plain dealer barry sanders barry sanders john scott jimmie johnson juan pablo montoya crash chardon high school shooting

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